Saturday, December 4, 2010

Good Deeds :)

I woke up this morning, made my coffee and let the dogs out to do their business and... WE HAD SNOW!  I love when the snow is pretty and white and sparkly and un-touched.  It's beautiful.  But then, the dogs went crazy running over every inch of it in our backyard and playing in it by sticking their noses in it and flipping it up and over their heads.  Then, they made it different colors... Oh well, I got to see the beauty of the snow before they went nuts, lol.

Kris and I decided to shovel our sidewalks and we ended up doing 3 of our neighbors sidewalks as well.  They are all older couples so it felt great for us to help them out.  That was our good deed for the year, lol!  Just kidding... We like helping people out with anything we can.  It's a great feeling.  :)

After shoveling, we took the dogs for a walk.  Our walk turned into a 1.97 mile walk.  What the hell were we thinking?!?  Snow on the ground and it's cold and wet outside and we're walking and walking and walking...  I was freezing by the time we got home and then I was roasting after being in the house for about 5 minutes... Once my body warmed up, I started to freeze again, lol.  (I decided a second pot of coffee was in order... *Yummy*)

That about sums up our day... We decided to call it a snow day and stay inside for the remainder of the day.  We learned how to play Gin Rummy, we ate dinner, we watched some College Football (Go DUCKS!!!) and now, we are so ready to crawl into our nice warm bed and snooze!  So, on that note, I say ta-ta and goodnight!  :)


  1. Hooray for snow! And the Civil War game was awesome.

  2. It was an awesome game! As for the snow, I wish it would snow LOTS :)
