Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wood II

     So, we all went wood cutting again yesterday.  Total chaos!  We got to our area and one of our people had fallen a tree already (he was ahead of us).  Well, we started cutting the tree and loading the trailer with the wood we had when a man in green pants comes sneaking up on us.  Forest Service man!!  His truck was nowhere to be seen... When he walked up to us he said he was just out 'wandering around' and heard us so he decided to stop and chat... (I wonder how many times he saw us girls go tinkle in the woods since he was lurking around)

     Long story short, he gave us a ticket for the tree that was cut down.  It was way over the 22 inch round rule for falling trees.  I guess 36 inches does NOT equal 22 inches, lol.  $175.00 ticket... Geez!  But, in our defense, the bark on this tree was about 5-6 inches thick.  Anywho, he let us finish that tree.  After we finished, we had to drive to another spot because apparently, people aren't even allowed to cut dead trees that others have cut down and left.  Our spot was a wood cutting zone, just all the trees there were not allowed to be cut down.

So, we moved down the road.  We ended up finding a great spot with lots of trees to be cut down that were unmarked and thinner then 22 inches :)  We were happy!  We went back to cutting, loading and stacking again.  Once we finished for the day, we headed to the trucks to take off and go home.  Well, we ended up having to pull start the truck that belongs to the other people that went with us.  They hooked up the chain and mom's friend started to tow them in hopes that their truck would start.

Mom's friend says to truck ~ Come on... Suck that fuel up!
Truck ~ Sputter, spat, choke, sputter... Vroom!!
Mom's friend says to truck ~ Atta girl!  There she goes!!

Hmm...  But, it was yet another eventful day of cutting wood!  :)

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